Through my membership with The Product Review Place, I was able to secure a free PUR Flavor Options pitcher to review. As someone who hates the taste of plain water, the ability to get flavored water without having to buy it in bottles was really intriguing to me. As someone who has a problem with lead in her water, the fact that the pitcher came from PUR made it even better.

The PUR Flavor Options Pitcher – The Review

PUR-Flavor-OptionsAs mentioned before, we discovered that there is lead in our water from the solder in our pipes, so we already have a PUR faucet mounted filter. Because of this, I was sent the pitcher to review. This was fine with me. (Double filtered water sounds good to me!) We ended up trying the lemon flavor cartridge.

The pitcher looks really intuitive, but you can make yourself look really dumb by thinking you’re smart enough to figure it out without looking at the directions. You fill up the top part with water so it can get filtered into the lower part. Simple, right? Once the water flows through the filter, it’s ready to drink! If you want plain, unflavored water, you don’t touch the blue button. If you want flavored water, you press the blue button.

The blue button is where it all fell apart.

Tom was the one who felt stupid first. He actually read the part about pressing the blue button for flavor and passed the information along to me. He was disappointed when his first glass of water wasn’t very lemon-y. He figured out what he’d done wrong, though, and I think he tried to explain it to me… but I didn’t get it.

So when his friends came over last week for gaming night (future post coming concerning how much geekier I’m becoming) and Tom excused himself to use the bathroom, I offered our guests some lemon water, as they’d seemed intrigued by the concept. “Keep pressing the blue button for more flavor,” Tom had told me. So I held the button down as I poured each glass.

One guy said he wouldn’t have known there was any lemon in it if I hadn’t told him. Another guy said that, had he not known it  was flavored, he would’ve told me it was time to change my water filter. Oops.

So Tom came back downstairs, and when the subject of the water came up, he got his chance to make me feel stupid. Apparently, you have to press the blue button multiple times in order to get more flavor. They’re little shots of flavor, not something that pours out continuously if you hold the button down. Later attempts with the pitcher proved that at least five shots of flavor were required for a 12 oz glass of water to suit our tastes.

The verdict? I may even need to have 8-10 shots of lemon to make me happy. Perhaps another flavor would suit me better, so I’m going to have to try grape and strawberry. Tom enjoys it, as do his friends. TJ goes through phases in what he’ll drink, so right now he’s opting for iced tea, but I think he liked the lemon water when he tried it. It’s a win for us, because I hate buying bottled water just to get some flavor!

Filtered Water for Your Family’s Health

I am a big advocate of water filtration systems. When TJ turned two years old, we discovered that he had elevated lead levels. After a lead water test kit proved that there was lead in our water, a little investigation on my part determined that our house was built after lead pipes were banned, but before lead solder was banned. So the solder used to weld our pipes contains lead. Lead was seeping into our water because our old water filter had broken and we didn’t replace it in a timely fashion. The second we determined there was lead in our water, we bought and installed a new PUR faucet mount water filter. Subsequent blood tests showed that TJ’s lead levels had dropped down within the acceptable rang once we’d replaced the water filter.

Even if your water doesn’t have lead in it, there are still dozens – if not hundreds – of hazardous substances that could be lurking in there. Have you read about all of the pharmaceuticals that have been showing up in public water supplies across the United States? It’s not just lead, chlorine, and bacteria that we need to worry about… it’s hormones, antibiotics, antidepressants, and pain killers!

We all know that we need to drink a lot of water to stay healthy, but we’re doing ourselves a disservice if we’re not filtering out the unhealthy contaminants in our water. PUR water filtration systems remove many of these contaminants, making our water healthier to drink.

The PUR Flavor Options Giveaway

Here’s your chance to win a PUR Flavor Options Pitcher of your very own! (Open to U.S. residents only, ages 18 and older. Void where prohibited.)

How to enter:

  1. Required: Visit the PUR Flavor Options site and leave a comment telling me one benefit of PUR water filtration systems not mentioned in my review. (If this step is not completed, your other entries will be invalid.)
  2. Extra Entries:

  3. Subscribe to Cutest Kid Ever via RSS and leave two (2) separate comments telling me which RSS reader you use. (2 entries)
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  5. Place my badge on your sidebar and leave two (2) separate comments with a link to a blog page where I can see  my badge displayed. (2 entries)Copy and paste the code below to add to your page:

  6. Follow @CutestKidEver on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway using this as your shortened link: . Leave a comment with a link to each tweet. (1 entry per day)

Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm ET on Friday, September 4, 2009.

Christina Gleason (976 Posts)

That’s me: Christina Gleason. I’m a writer, editor, and disability advocate. I'm a multiply disabled autistic lady doing my best in this world built for abled people. I’m a geek for grammar, fantasy, and casual gaming. I hate vegetables. I cannot reliably speak, so I’ll happily conduct business over email or messaging instead.

By Christina Gleason

That’s me: Christina Gleason. I’m a writer, editor, and disability advocate. I'm a multiply disabled autistic lady doing my best in this world built for abled people. I’m a geek for grammar, fantasy, and casual gaming. I hate vegetables. I cannot reliably speak, so I’ll happily conduct business over email or messaging instead.

50 thoughts on “PUR Flavor Options Review and Giveaway”
  1. PUR filters reduce the amount of chlorine in your water. They also help eliminate the need to buy bottled water – thereby helping to cut down on the amount of plastic made for said bottles.

  2. For me, the biggest benefit of using water filtration is eliminating the nasty taste of chlorine. But, being able to eliminate buying bottled water and throwing away/recycling all those bottles is a major incentive.

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