Dear TJ,

Yesterday was Christmas, and you were sick. Poor thing. You got sick on Tuesday night. Zack and  Uncle Josh were over to play Star Wars, and when Daddy brought you up for bed, you told us that your tummy hurt because you ate too much. An hour and a half later, you walked downstairs crying and covered in throw up. I threw you in the bathtub and Daddy cleaned up your room. We thought you had just eaten too much too fast.

But you didn’t have much of an appetite on Wednesday or Thursday. You were helping me put icing on the gingerbread cookies to bring down to Great-Grandma’s house for Christmas Eve, but you didn’t want to eat one. That was weird.

On Christmas morning, you complained that your tummy was hurting again, so we decided to hold off on having the special cinnamon rolls I’d bought for Christmas breakfast. We’ll have them another day when you’re feeling better. You said you did want to go to Grandma Kitty’s house and Grandma Debbie’s house, though, so we did. You said you wanted to eat corn and mashed potatoes, so I thought that was a good sign.

Then you told us you wanted to go home because your tummy hurt. We were almost at Grandma Kitty’s place to drop her off when you threw up all over the van. Grandma and I took you inside to get you cleaned up, and Daddy got to work at cleaning up the van. You were so upset about your coat, but Grandma washed it for you, along with your clothes and your booster seat cover. I’d brought along a spare outfit, so you were able to put on some nice clean, warm clothes while we waited for everything to dry.

Your appetite hadn’t returned this morning, so I decided to call the pediatrician. If I waited to see how you were later, we wouldn’t have seen the doctor, because they’re only open until noon on Saturdays. The quick strep test was negative, so they determined it was just a case of gastroenteritis. Yep, just a stomach bug. But this is the longest stomach bug you’ve ever had, so I just wanted to be sure.

You stuck to the BRAT diet today. I made you some “plain ziti” for lunch before I left to go grocery shopping, and you told me that I “make the best pasta ever.” I just boiled water, buddy, but I’m glad it tasted good to you! Your appetite seemed to return more and more as the day wore on, and you’ve also eaten a banana, two bowls of applesauce, an English muffin, and a mini bagel. And it all stayed down.

I think you’re going to be fine tomorrow.


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Christina Gleason (976 Posts)

That’s me: Christina Gleason. I’m a writer, editor, and disability advocate. I'm a multiply disabled autistic lady doing my best in this world built for abled people. I’m a geek for grammar, fantasy, and casual gaming. I hate vegetables. I cannot reliably speak, so I’ll happily conduct business over email or messaging instead.

By Christina Gleason

That’s me: Christina Gleason. I’m a writer, editor, and disability advocate. I'm a multiply disabled autistic lady doing my best in this world built for abled people. I’m a geek for grammar, fantasy, and casual gaming. I hate vegetables. I cannot reliably speak, so I’ll happily conduct business over email or messaging instead.

3 thoughts on “Dear Kid Saturday – Sick on Christmas”
  1. I hope that TJ is feeling better today. Our little guy must have a similar bug. We thought he was just saying his tummy hurt, but he showed us this morning. With any luck you will all have those special cinnamon rolls soon.

  2. Your post made me so sad! To be sick on Christmas?? My nephew got sick on Hanukkah one year. He threw up after eating my stepmoms potato pancakes. Poor thing was sick with a virus for the entire 8 days.

    I hope your boo is feeling better!!

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