We waited a long time for you to start being able to tell us what you want without just pointing and screaming. And now the words are coming fast and furious every day. In the past few weeks, you’ve added these words to your rapidly growing vocabulary:

Noggin, kitchen, chicken, french fry, ketchup, Bug Bites, paper, crayon, pencil, magenta, orange, apple, banana, sit, daddy, seat, click click, eat, drink, juice, ball, balls, Slinky, outside, home, upstairs, downstairs, bathroom, bath, remote, elephant, apricot, ice cream, balloon, shoes, I’m stuck, socks, bubbles, suds, walk, pretty, puzzle, how sweet, help, bless you, excuse me, please, thank you, and you’re welcome.

When you say Bug Bites, you want the crackers of the same name. And I’m stuck sounds a lot more like ascot. And you drop the p in puzzle, so unfortunately it sounds like you’re calling someone a bad name.

As for animal sounds, you can now tell us what all of these animals say: cat, dog, duck, mouse, pig, sheep, cow, horse, bird, panda, and elephant. And you use your arm to make the elephant’s trunk, sometimes both arms.

What will come out of your mouth next?

Christina Gleason (976 Posts)

That’s me: Christina Gleason. I’m a writer, editor, and disability advocate. I'm a multiply disabled autistic lady doing my best in this world built for abled people. I’m a geek for grammar, fantasy, and casual gaming. I hate vegetables. I cannot reliably speak, so I’ll happily conduct business over email or messaging instead.

By Christina Gleason

That’s me: Christina Gleason. I’m a writer, editor, and disability advocate. I'm a multiply disabled autistic lady doing my best in this world built for abled people. I’m a geek for grammar, fantasy, and casual gaming. I hate vegetables. I cannot reliably speak, so I’ll happily conduct business over email or messaging instead.

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