I’m still coming down off the #DisneySMMoms high, and although I had a great time – loads of fun and lots of great speakers – I was disappointed that I didn’t get to meet a few dozen of the people I knew were there.

So I had a crazy idea. What if we had a conference that was for the sole purpose of networking with other mom bloggers. Bloggers who happen to be moms, bloggers who hang out with the mommy crowd, and the companies who love working with them. No speakers. Lots of time to interact and really get to know each other. And yes, it’s still a business expense… My Chamber of Commerce runs events like this all the time, although admittedly, no one has to travel and spend a night or two in a hotel in order to attend.

So I’ve put together a survey for people who would be interested in attending such an event. I believe the survey is limited to 100 responses, so please comment here if you get locked out, and I’ll copy the survey questions to this post.

Take the Mommy Networking Weekend Interest Survey

The event would be held in the Albany, New York area. I have not chosen a date yet. I’m looking for interest first, and then I’ll work with local hotels to find out when the off-season is so that we can get the best possible rates if I can promise to pack them full up.

Christina Gleason (976 Posts)

That’s me: Christina Gleason. I’m a writer, editor, and disability advocate. I'm a multiply disabled autistic lady doing my best in this world built for abled people. I’m a geek for grammar, fantasy, and casual gaming. I hate vegetables. I cannot reliably speak, so I’ll happily conduct business over email or messaging instead.

By Christina Gleason

That’s me: Christina Gleason. I’m a writer, editor, and disability advocate. I'm a multiply disabled autistic lady doing my best in this world built for abled people. I’m a geek for grammar, fantasy, and casual gaming. I hate vegetables. I cannot reliably speak, so I’ll happily conduct business over email or messaging instead.

10 thoughts on “Mommy Networking Weekend – Looking for Interest”
  1. How about Las Vegas or Disney (land or WDW) as a location? Both have great package prices from anywhere in the country.

    1. Those would be really tricky for me to plan, since I’m not anywhere near local. Also, they both have loads of distractions built in, and I don’t think people would network as much because they’d want to be out seeing the sights.

      Someone else could totally organize an event in an awesome location like that, but mine will be a bit more low-key. 🙂

  2. I shall be your assistant and help you plan and do whatever. Lots of possible places in this area to have something. Love the idea of more networking options. I think that was the only item that disappointed me as well. Wish I had seen more of the people to chat that I had connected with online. Of course, this is a common item that a lot of people mention from most blogging/social media events.

  3. Sorry, it was just a suggestion. It’s just really expensive for those of us on this coast – thought maybe something inbetween might be an option.

  4. I took the survey! There was a couple of things I could go either way on so I just chose the best I could LOL! I’d love to help plan but I’m in Ohio… still if you think of anything I can do from Ohio… let me know!

  5. I’d definitely be interested. (Note: I answered that I’ve never been to a social media event despite being at the DisneySMMoms dinners because I was there as a “guest” of TheAngelForever, not there as a social media participant in my own right.

  6. Love this idea. Although I loved the Disney event and other conferences I’ve been to, I end up saying that there’s not enough time to meet and chat with the people there. Even if there are topics for us to discuss, like in a round table, we’d learn from each other. Plus, the idea of just hanging out and really getting to know others is so worth it!

    Did the survey!

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