Merry Christmas Pooks,

You made Christmas so much fun this year. You were so excited about Santa coming and leaving presents, and you liked all of the trees and decorations everyone had up. You’ve been playing with Grandma Debbie’s nativity set for weeks, putting all of the figures “in the manger.”

I wanted to explain to you why Mommy gets so sad on Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve was your great-grandpa’s favorite holiday, and that’s when I miss him the most. That’s why I couldn’t sit through church, and why Daddy dropped you and Grandma Kitty off at Great-Grandma Betty’s house before he took me up to the cemetery for a visit. I cried a lot, because I wish he was here to see you; he’d be so proud of you. But I did feel better after I went up to talk to him.

You had a great time with your cousin Eli at Great-Grandma Betty’s house. The two of you played with toys, ate some cookies, and opened your presents with so much energy that we couldn’t believe you were still going strong at 9:30. Two hours after we usually start your bedtime routine. We had to make you stop running around to sit down when your face turned all red! You fell asleep in the car on the way home after you handed me the soccer ball you were holding on to.

Santa came while you were sleeping, and you were so excited about opening your presents in the morning. We looked in your stocking first, which had lots of cool healthy snacks in it, some dice like your Uncle Josh has, some Go Fish cards, a box of animal crackers, some gummi bears, and an apple in the toe. (Santa likes to leave fresh fruit in the toes of stockings.) You took a bite of the apple as soon as you took it out of your stocking.

Ripping into the presents was pretty cool, too. You were so happy to open everything, even Mommy and Daddy’s presents. Santa gave you a monster puppet, a stamp set, a wooden shape clock to help you learn to tell time, a Dora and Diego play set, and the red car you asked him for when you sat on his lap. It’s like a Mr. Potato Head, but it’s Lightning McQueen, and you can change all of his car parts. It’s pretty cool. You seemed to like the clock and the car the most, but because they had too many parts that can get lost, you chose to take your soccer ball with you when we got in the car. Uncle John gave Hess soccer balls to both you and Eli.

We went to Grandma Kitty’s house a little earlier than we had intended because our power was out. It had gone out after you climbed in bed with us in the morning, around 7:45. That’s when we all got up. But because it was starting to get cold, we grabbed our special breakfast (Pillsbury cinnamon rolls) and went to Grandma Kitty’s house.

Grandma let us make breakfast there, and there were lots more presents to open. You got lots of noisy stuff that Grandma Kitty is going to keep at her house. 😉 She got you a cash register, a little guitar, and a Little People town set, among other things. She got Mommy and Daddy some DVDs we wanted, but you weren’t interested in doing more than help unwrap those.

After Mommy took a little nap on the couch, we all went to Grandma Debbie’s house for Christmas dinner. The ham was delicious, even if you didn’t try it. You did have some corn, potato smiles, and some dinosaur chicken, which paved the way for dessert. You asked for chocolate pie, but only ate the whipped cream.

You were such a good boy all day long. You had fun playing with Uncle Josh. You said goodbye to Grandma Kitty without too much of a problem when Daddy brought her to the airport so she could go have dinner in Michigan with your cousin Kyle. You got to talk to your Aunt Meghan and cousin Avery on Grandma Debbie’s webcam. It was a nice day full of fun and family.

Bedtime was easy. After two full days of excitment, you were more than ready to take a nice bath and go to sleep in your big boy bed.

It was a Merry Christmas.


Dear Kid Thursday

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1. Write your own Dear Kid letter on your blog.

2. Sign the Mr Linky below with your name and the link to your Dear Kid post – the specific post URL, not the homepage of your blog. DON’T sign unless you have a Dear Kid letter this week.

3. Grab a Dear Kid Saturday button for your post and/or your sidebar.

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Christina Gleason (976 Posts)

That’s me: Christina Gleason. I’m a writer, editor, and disability advocate. I'm a multiply disabled autistic lady doing my best in this world built for abled people. I’m a geek for grammar, fantasy, and casual gaming. I hate vegetables. I cannot reliably speak, so I’ll happily conduct business over email or messaging instead.

By Christina Gleason

That’s me: Christina Gleason. I’m a writer, editor, and disability advocate. I'm a multiply disabled autistic lady doing my best in this world built for abled people. I’m a geek for grammar, fantasy, and casual gaming. I hate vegetables. I cannot reliably speak, so I’ll happily conduct business over email or messaging instead.

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