Dear TJ,

You’re so sick that it’s heart-breaking. Grandma Kitty called me yesterday to let me know you had diarrhea. You had gone to Tumbling Tykes to play in the morning – and you were fine. When you went to lunch at Cracker Barrel, I’ve been told that you threw your head back all of a sudden and screamed, “I pooped my pants!” You were very upset. You told Grandma Kitty to take you home, back to her place.

She called me a few more times to let me know you’d gone through several pairs of underwear. I went to Rite Aid and brought you some grape Pedialyte, because I didn’t want Grandma Kitty to have to take you out and have you mess your pants again. After I visited for a little while, I headed back home. Another phone call told me you’d thrown up soon after I left.

It was just after 3:00 when Grandma Kitty called and asked me to come pick you up. You just kept throwing up, not even keeping the Pedialyte down. You had a fever. She rode home next to you in the back seat of my car, in case you had to throw up on the way home. You threw up before we left the parking lot, but then you fell asleep on the way home.

You were so sad and pitiful all evening. Daddy and I just sat with you, holding your hand and staring at you most of the time. You fell asleep a few times. You kept wanting to try to drink something, but it always came right back up. Daddy took your temperature, and it was 101.7 on the ear thermometer. I gave you a cool bath to bring your temperature down and clean you up when you threw up on the couch. (Daddy cleaned that up while I got you clean.) You didn’t intend it, but you laid down in your bed at 7:30, after throwing up again, and fell asleep for about two hours.

We didn’t sleep much last night. I’m completely exhausted, and you’re not much better. You woke up about once an hour because you were so thirsty. I let you drink small amounts each time, and you managed to not throw up again. But I only got about two hours of sleep last night, and it was not all in a row.

You’ve been able to keep down your drinks (water and Pedialyte) and your food (some Corn Chex) today, so that’s a good sign. But your fever came back, the same 101.7 degrees. You wouldn’t let me put a cool washcloth on your forehead, and when I said, “You have to put this on. You don’t want to have to go to the doctor, do you?” – You said yes.

So I called the doctor’s office and talked to the answering service. When the doctor called me back, she said she wasn’t worried about the fever. I guess it’s normal with this kind of GI virus in kids your age. She said just to give you Tylenol to bring your temperature down and keep you comfortable. I turned the air conditioning on (it’s almost 90 degrees in April!) and tried to give you a bath, but you decided against it. You ran around in your underwear for a while, but you’re dressed again. You’re not nearly as hot anymore, and you’re actually walking around the living room.

Every time you want to tell me something, you’ve been saying, “You know what, Mommy?” It’s pretty cute. I do wish you’d let me take a little rest, though.


Dear Kid Thursday

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Christina Gleason (976 Posts)

That’s me: Christina Gleason. I’m a writer, editor, and disability advocate. I'm a multiply disabled autistic lady doing my best in this world built for abled people. I’m a geek for grammar, fantasy, and casual gaming. I hate vegetables. I cannot reliably speak, so I’ll happily conduct business over email or messaging instead.

By Christina Gleason

That’s me: Christina Gleason. I’m a writer, editor, and disability advocate. I'm a multiply disabled autistic lady doing my best in this world built for abled people. I’m a geek for grammar, fantasy, and casual gaming. I hate vegetables. I cannot reliably speak, so I’ll happily conduct business over email or messaging instead.

7 thoughts on “Dear Kid Saturday – 101.7 Fever”
  1. Is he any better? It is so hard when the kids are sick. Friday BG and I were playing and all of a sudden she just started this cough. Now all weekend she has been coughing non-stop. I think I was up 20 times last night checking on her.

    Hope he is better.

  2. I’m glad TJ’s feeling better, and I hope you are, too. It is so hard when they get sick. Becca’s still trying to get over the cold she had two weeks ago.
    I’ve tagged your blog (as one of my favorite mommy blogs) in a My Favorite Things meme. If you would like to play along, the post with the instructions is over on my site: I hope to see your post! 🙂

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